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Welcome to Our Website
On behalf of the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Love, I joyfully welcome you to our website. Our aim as DDL is “to love God and to make Him known and loved.” We hope that your visit to our website will be a Spirit-filled experience. We hope you will get the necessary information you want about us. 

It is also our sincere prayer that you will be continually gifted with wisdom so that you can always see God at work in your life and in the world. And that this would urge you to make God known and loved. The love of Christ urges us on (2 Cor 5:14)
Mother Mary Anastasia Dike, DDL
Mother General

Food for Thought
"The first step to becoming holy is to will it. St. Thomas says, "Sanctity consists in nothing else than a firm resolve, the heroic act of a soul abandoning herself to God. By an upright will we love God, we choose God, we run toward God, we reach him, we posses him.""

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Get Involved by Volunteering
Christ’s call to love his people is not just a call for some, but a call for all; it is not a hope for tomorrow, but a mission for today. You could volunteer to work for some time in our schools, hospital or other charitable establishments.
Spread the Word
Get Involved by Spreading the Word
Spread the word. Share your passion for a brighter world. Share on facebook, twitter, whatsapp & Other Social Media. Get together with friends or colleagues and organise events to discuss how to spread God's Love. You could tell them about us.
Get Involved by Contributing
We believe in giving that is personal, committed, and founded in community. That's why we invest long term in our communities. That's also why we ask for you to discern giving to our mission regularly and becoming a part of the community of love we're building.

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Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Love (DDL)